natural polymerisation

Chemistry higher tier

Amino acids, polypeptides and proteins

There are many naturally occurring polymers for example starch, cellulose, silk, protein and DNA are but a few of the many polymers found or produced by living organisms. Let's start by looking at proteins. Proteins are found in all living organisms, now there are many different types of proteins, from the proteins found in muscle, skin, tendons and enzymes to the proteins found in spider webs and silk. All these different proteins have one thing in common; they are all polymers made from monomers called amino acids.

There are around 20 or so amino acids found in most proteins. Amino acids as the name suggests contain two different functional groups; an amino group (-NH2) and a carboxyl group (-COOH). You will probably have met the carboxyl group before; it is the functional group found on all carboxylic acids. The amino group is a basic group and so will readily react with an acidic carboxyl group on another amino acid. The structure of a typical amino acid molecule is shown below.

amino acid general structure.

There are just over twenty common amino acids found in living organisms and they all have the basic structure shown above. The only difference between different amino acids is the structure of the R- group. The simplest amino acid is one where the side group R is simply a hydrogen atom. This gives an amino acid called glycine (gyl for short). If the R- group is a -CH3 group then an amino acid called alanine is formed. The structures of the amino acids glycine and alanine are shown below. A quick search on Google will show the structure of all common amino acids if you care to look!

Structure of the amino acids alanine and glycine.

Image to show that small amino acid monomers link together to form alrger polypeptides and proteins You can clearly see the only difference between these two amino acids is in the side chain -R. The twenty or so common amino acids can link together to form a vast number of different proteins. As a simple example think of the number of words you can make from the 26 letters in the alphabet; well by linking the 20 or so different amino acids together in a different order in polymer chains of different lengths you can end up with an almost limitless number of possible protein structures.

The amino acids link together in a condensation reaction; that is a reaction where a small molecule; usually water is lost; to form an amide or peptide link. For example the amino acids alanine and glycine can link together to form a dipeptide molecule as shown below:

There are two possible ways these two amino acid molecules can react with each other to form a dipeptide:

This is outlined in the diagram below:

The amino acids alanine and glycine forming a dipeptide.

Image to show that polypeptides and proteins are polymers formed from amino acid momers- cartoon style image The molecules formed in these condensation reactions are called dipeptides since they are formed from two amino acids. These dipeptide molecules contain one amide or peptide link as shown in the image above. The dipeptide molecule formed still has reactive amino and acidic functional groups on each end of the molecule and so it can react further with more amino-acids molecules to form more peptide links. In fact thousands or even hundreds of thousands of these amino-acid monomers can react to form a giant polymer called a protein. The order in which the amino acids link together will determine the type of protein formed. Smaller numbers of amino acids can link to form large molecules called polypeptides, these can contain up to and around 50 or so amino acids all linked together by amide or peptide bonds. The image below shows how a large polypeptide molecule is formed from nine different amino acids reacting together in a condensation reaction.

The names of amino acids are often shortened down to a three letter abbreviation or sometimes even a single letter, for example the amino acid glycine can be shortened to "gly" and alanine to "ala". The order or sequence in which the amino acids in a polypeptide or protein polymer join or link together is referred to as its primary structure, this is outlined in the image below:

 Image shows the primary structure of a protein, that is how the amino acids are sequence or arranged.

Amino acid polymerisation

It is not always necessary to have more than one amino acid present in order to form a polypeptide or a larger protein structure; for example the image below shows how one amino acid molecule can polymerise to form a polypeptide molecule or a larger protein. Amino acids polymerising to form a polypeptide.

Key Points

Practice questions

Check your understanding - Questions on amino acids and proteins

Check your understanding - Additional questions on amino acids and proteins

Check your understanding - Multiple choice questions on amino acids and proteins
