Polar bonds and electronegativity

Polar bonds and electronegativity

You are probably familiar with ionic bonds and covalent bonds from gcse chemistry. Before looking at polar covalent bonding it might be helpful to quickly re-cap ionic and covalent bonding.

Ionic bonding

Ionic bonding involves the transfer of an electron from a metal to a non-metal atom, this results in the formation of ions with positive and negative charges. In the example shown below the metal sodium reacts with the non-metal chlorine to form the ionic compound sodium chloride. Here the metal sodium loses its outer shell 3s1 electron to chlorine. This means that the sodium atom forms a sodium ion with a charge of 1+. The non-metal chlorine gains an electron from the sodium and forms a chloride ion with an electron arrangement of 2,8,8 or an electron configuration of 1s22s22p62s23p6, this is outlined in the image below:

The formation of the ionic compound sodium chloride from sodium metal and chlorine by elecron transfer from the sodium atom to the chlorine atom.

Covalent bonding

Covalent bonding involves the sharing of a pair of electrons, usually between non-metal atoms present in small molecules. However these ideas of ionic and covalent bonding should really be thought of as the two extremes when it comes to describing the bonding between atoms. If a compound has pure ionic bonds then the ions must be perfectly spherical and the electron must be transferred completely from the metal to the non-metal. In most of the reactions between metals and non-metals these two conditions are rarely met.

Similarly for pure covalent bonding to occur the 2 electrons in the covalent bond must be shared EQUALLY, this is outlined in the image below. In a covalent bond between identical elements with identical electronegativity values then the electrons present in any covalent bonds will be shared equally. However in covalent compounds formed between elements with different electronegativities the electrons are likely to be shared unequally.
3D model showing how the electrons are shared in a covalent bond in a chlorine molecule.

Polar covalent bonds

Most covalent compounds involve bonding between elements with different electronegativities. This means that the electrons in any bonds formed will NOT be shared EQUALLY. In an ionic compound the ions formed have positive and negative charges because there is complete transfer of an electron from the metal to the non-metal atom. In a polar covalent bond the electron is shared unequally between the two atoms or we could simply say one atom in the bond has a much larger share of the electrons. This means that the atoms will have partial charges and not full positive and negative charges.

The Greek symbol delta (lowercase) δ is used to show the resultant partial positive (δ+) and negative (δ-) charges that result from the unequal sharing of the electrons in a polar covalent bond. A polar covalent bond or simply a polar bond can be thought as a sort of halfway house between a covalent and an ionic bond; in that the electrons in the bond are shared but not equally as is the case in a covalent bond, this is why polar covalent bonds contain atoms with partial charges and not full charges similar as found in an ionic compound. The charges on the atoms are only partial charges simply because the electrons are not completely transferred, just shared unequally; this is outlined in the image below:

3d model showing how the electrons are shared unequally in a polar covalent bond in a hydrogen chloride molecule.

The larger the difference in the electronegativity values between the two atoms in the chemical bond the more polar (polar covalent) the bond will be. If the bond between two different atoms has a very large difference in electronegativity values of say 1.7-2.0 or more it will be ionic. If the differences in the electronegativity values are around 0.5 or less then the bond is likely to be covalent. Click here for more information on bond character and the degree of ionic or covalent nature in a chemical bond.

Hydrogen chloride (HCl)

Consider a molecule of hydrogen chloride (H-Cl). Chlorine has an electronegativity value of 3.0 and hydrogen has a value of 2.1; this means that the bond is polarised in such a way that the chlorine atom is electron rich -) and the hydrogen atom is electron deficient +). These two partially charged ends on the molecule are called poles; just like the opposite ends of a magnet are called poles. Now since the H-Cl bond has 2 charged ends it is described as having a bond dipole or just a dipole (a dipole is simply a small charge difference across a bond due to differences in electronegativities, which results in one end of the bond containing an atom with a partial positive charge (δ+ ) and at the other end of the bond will be an atom with a partial negative charge -). The charges on both end of the bond will be the same but different in sign, one negative and one positive.

Since H-Cl is a non-symmetrical molecule with polar covalent bonds. We would also say that this is a polar molecule (that is one end of the molecule has a partial positive charge (δ+ ) and the other a partial negative charge (δ- ), this is shown in the image below:

3d model showing polar covalent bonding in a molecule of hydrogen chloride (HCl)

Polar molecules

Are all molecules which have polar covalent bond polar molecules? The answer to this question is NO. To decide if a molecule is polar you not only have to decide if it contains polar covalent bonds but you MUST also consider the shape of the molecule. Bond dipoles are vector quantities and have both a size and a direction. If the molecule has polar bonds but is highly symmetrical the chances are that the molecule will be non-polar even though it contains polar covalent bonds. As an example consider a molecule of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) which is shown below:

How to find the centres of positive and negative charge in a molecule.  Here the molecule carbon tetrachloride is used as an example to decide if it is a polar molecule or not. 3d model of carbon 
tetrachloride showing how the bond dipoles cancel to give a non-polar molecule

More polar molecules??

You may also see the carbon tetrachloride molecule drawn out using arrows to represent the bond dipoles; as shown in the image opposite. The use of these arrows to indicate the size and direction of the bond dipoles is helpful in deciding if the molecule overall will be polar with a dipole moment. The arrows representing the bond dipoles give an indication of the size of the dipole present in any particular bond. I hope you can see that all the bond dipole arrows in this example will all effectively cancel each other out due to the shape of this molecule. However if you study the examples below you will see that this is not always the case.

Polar and non-polar molecules

Consider each of the molecules shown below and then decide if they are polar or non-polar molecules. In each case you need to consider not only if the molecule has polar covalent bonds but also the shape of the particular molecule. Molecules which are highly symmetrical may have the centres of positive and negative charge directly on top of each other. If this is the case then the molecule will be non-polar despite having polar covalent bonds.

Example 1- carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is a linear molecule, it is a symmetrical molecule which contains polar bonds; as shown in the image below; however is carbon dioxide a polar molecule?

Diagram explaining why carbon dioxide is a non-polar molecule despite having polar bonds

Despite having polar bonds carbon dioxide is not a polar molecule. The centre of positive charge on this molecule is directly centred on the carbon atom and the centre of negative charge is half way between the two oxygen atoms, that is directly over the carbon atom. This means that the centres of positive and negative charge overlap and this molecule, despite having polar bonds is a non-polar molecule. Diagram showing why boron trifluoride is a non-polar molecule despite having polar bonds Being a symmetrical molecule means that for carbon dioxide the individual bond dipole cancel each other out leaving a non-polar molecule.

Example 2- Boron trifluoride

Boron trifluoride is another example of a non-polar molecule, despite the fact that it has polar bonds. The centres of positive and negative charge lie directly on top of the central boron atom. This means that due to its shape the individual bond dipoles for each of the B-F bonds add together and effectively cancel each other out.

Example 3- Ammonia and water

Finally consider two common molecules in chemistry, ammonia and water. Both these molecules have polar bonds as shown in the image below, but are the molecules themselves polar?

Key Points

Practice questions

Check your understanding - Questions on polar bonds and electronegativity

Check your understanding - Additional questions on polar bonds and electronegativity

Check your understanding - Multiple-choice questions on polar bonds and electronegativity
